Good morning. It's so hard to believe that in 4 weeks, I will be going back to work. It's the first summer that I haven't worked almost every day and it's really nice. I'm so thankful to be able to stay home with Abbie. She needs all the love and attention she can get. We have had a great time. We have taken advantage of the free movies a few times, gone to the park, read LOTS of books, etc. At times, I feel like I'm running out of ideas, but she ALWAYS seems to find something else to do. We have been lucky enough to be able to go swimming with friends a few times. She also enjoyed playing on the slip n slide at Mrs. Katie's house (one of our wonderful neighbors)...and that was a blast of course! She was able to enjoy VBS at both our church and BBC (thank you Gina). A few weeks after that, she got to go to Lutheridge to Kindercamp. I was a little nervous as to how it would go because she has had such trouble with separation anxiety. She did great though and had a wonderful time. She was actually sad when it was over. I loved hearing her come home singing the "camp" songs that she had learned. What a blessing it was to be able to send her!!! Hopefully she will be able to go back next year too!!
She is getting really excited about kindergarten. She asks more questions every day. It's sweet to see the things that she is concerned about. She asks about lunch, her "homework", and lately she's been obsessing about not being able to take her shoes off (she was able to take her shoes off at daycare during nap time, etc.) She asked what happens if her feet get hot. really is cute. She has been very excited about getting her school supplies. I have yet to remember her list when we go to the we have only been getting bits and pieces. Abbie will be going home most days to Gigi's house which she is very excited about. I have to say-I'm pretty relieved too. She gets out of school way before I get off work...and with her being able to go home to Mar's...she can get her "homework" done and relax a little bit before I get home and we have to do dinner and bath time and get ready to do it again the next day.
Terry and I just celebrated 6 years of marriage this weekend. It was wonderful. Abbie went to Martha's house and had a great time. Terry and I went to the movies to see "The Proposal" (which was the funniest movie I've seen in a LONG TIME) and then went out to dinner. After dinner, we went for a peaceful drive on the parkway. It was great to just spend time-ALONE and enjoy each other. Sunday morning, we enjoyed brunch at The Corner Kitchen. It was wonderful!! I'm such a lucky girl to have such a terrific husband!
Well that's about it...Enjoy the pictures! I'll try to not let it be so long before my next post!!! Enjoy your Tuesday!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
It's been too long!!
Posted by Leigh and Terry at 4:04 AM 1 comments
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Happy Summer
I can't believe it summer! Abbie and I started our summer off by waking up at 6 am!! I am going to HAVE to teach this kid how to sleep in. She enjoyed her first day of vacation yesterday at Gigi's house while I was at work. She spent all day there and we even stayed for dinner. It was great! This morning, we went to get our free breakfast at Chick fil a and then headed to Walmart to do some food shopping. It's been quite awhile since we have been BIG grocery shopping-so it was time! I now remember why I don't take her if I can help it when I am getting more than bread or milk!!!
She finished her first softball season the other night. They placed 2nd in the tournament. I am so proud of her. She came a long way during the season! She really enjoyed it. She already can't wait until next year. TL is coaching all-stars and she is the "bat girl" so she will be able to at least practice with them which will be good.
Anyway-I just wanted to put a few more pics on here. Enjoy!
Posted by Leigh and Terry at 9:49 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Graduations and Yard Sales and SUMMER!!
Well, we made it. Abbie graduated from Preschool on Friday. It was such a great feeling to see so many people who loves and cares so much about her and our family there to support her in such a wonderful day! She was so cute on stage. I know that she is going to have so much fun in Kindergarten next year. I was worried at first that I should hold her back another year-but I am glad that we made the decision to move her on. She is such a bright child with such a loving personality. We are so blessed. Here are a few pictures of her Graduation. Since we got the laptop, I have yet to figure out how to get my camera to upload these are from Martha.
Yesterday, we got to spend the whole day at Gigi and Poppa's house. TL had to work but Abbie and I had a great time. I got there about 6:40 and stayed all day. They had a great turn out and sold a lot. We did end up taking about 2 1/2 loads to Goodwill though. The donations that Terry and Martha gave them will last a good while!!!! While Gigi got to go to a fun party w/ her friends and Bobo was at work, the rest of us went out to dinner together. It was a lot of fun. I haven't laughed that much in a LONG time!! It was a much needed break from all the yuck that we've been through the last few weeks. As much fun as we had yesterday and all the laughs we shared...I hope that it's at least another YEAR or more before we help them w/ another yard sale!! Ha ha ha...Just kidding Mar and Terry-you know that we will help you any time!!
Bobo (Tyler) graduates next Saturday. It's so hard to believe. He will be going to App. State next year. I can't wait to go and visit him. It is such a beautiful campus. We are so proud of him. The graduation doesn't start until 7:30 and while Mar has a ticket for Abbie and invited us all...we are going to send her to stay the night with my Dad. She has never stayed anywhere but our house, Gigi and Poppa's and one night with Pastor we will see how it goes. I told Dad that he will just have to keep her really busy and then put her to bed. I have given him a list of things that Gigi does when they have their hopefully that will help.
I have 3 days left until I am out for the summer. With all the budget cuts and everything that are expected...I am a little worried about my job for next year-but the only thing that we can do is pray and stay positive. I am planning on enjoying my time with Abbie and do a few things around the house. We are taking a vacation in we are looking very much forward to that for sure!
That's about all around here. I hope to update more this summer.
Posted by Leigh and Terry at 10:10 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Softball and Easter
Well I guess you can say that softball season is in full swing! Abbie had her first game last Thursday and she got to "hits" off the tee-and one off the "bat" (as she says)...too cute! My camera is messing up and I don't quite know what's going on...but I'll try to post some pictures asap! My parents and Terry's parents came to her game and it was precious to see Abbie's face looking at her Poppa while she hit! She wants people to be proud of her so's adorable!
I don't think that I posted about it...but at like her 2nd or 3rd practice, Abbie got her mouth busted by a bat!! She and another little girl were playing "swords" and Abbie decided she was done...but the other girl didn't know. I was at my "Mindful Mom's" class at Church and when I was almost home, I checked my phone and was shocked to see about 10 missed calls and texts saying that Abbie was hurt and I needed to come ASAP! Well didn't I feel like the Mom of the year!! Needless to say, I broke nearly every traffic violation I could (don't get me Shar) on my way to Valley Springs. When I got there, I saw Terry and Abbie both covered in blood!! I was happy that we have a couple of nurses on our team (Mom's I mean) and they took good care of her. Thank goodness nothing was broken and no "tooths falled out" (Abbie lingo)!! Abbie was very swollen and bruised for a few days...but now she's back to normal and doing great!
Sunday was Easter and we went to Church in the morning and spent the day @ Terry's parent's/grandparent's house. We had a great lunch and had a lovely day with family. Abbie went to an Easter egg hunt @ Dad's the day before and came home with a TON of candy! After that, she had an "Elizabeth day" and went to I-Hop for lunch and went to go see the Hannah Montana movie with her. Abbie is such a precious little girl and is so blessed to be loved and cared for by so many people!!
Here are some pics from this weekend...
Posted by Leigh and Terry at 7:32 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Sorry it has been months...
So as I have been trying to keep up with all my friend's blogs...I have come to realize that I have neglected ours horribly!!! post since January??!!?? Anyway-lots has happened...
*Abbie got to go to the Health Adventure to a "Breakfast with Curious George". Her Uncle Robert was able to sign us up and we won a 4-pack of tickets. It was so fun. I have to admit that I was expecting a little more than granola bars and bananas...but it was fun to play with all the cool stuff. Abbie had never been and we got to take our friend (and neighbor) Addie (and her Mommy).
*I celebrated my 27th birthday. It is so hard to believe that I am so close to 30!!! Oh well...we all have to "grow up"'s about time for me to start. ;-)
*Abbie adores Sarah, her Godmother and we have tried to get together at least one time a far it's gone pretty good. They have a new baby so I feel bad asking for her to take time out of her crazy schedule-but Abbie loves her and WHO wouldn't do anything for Abbie???? ;-)
*Terry and I celebrated Valentine's day at a local place called Charlotte Street Grill. It was very nice. We dropped Abbie off at church where the youth were babysitting for the night. We have never left her like that before...but of course, she did great and had a wonderful time. Terry and I were able to have a nice dinner and converstaion. It was great!
*We had a pretty big snow storm here the first week of March. We were lucky that it started on a Sunday so Terry could be home for some of it. Abbie and her Daddy went out and played and had a blast! They made a snowman...Abbie's first I do believe...It was really cute. It wasn't really snowman making "snow"...but they did a great job with what they had!!!
*Abbie and Terry have started having a few "date nights"...that's what Abbie calls them anyway. They first went to go see Jonas Brothers 3-D (at $15 a pop...for a MOVIE!!). Then Terry took her to see a Prom Dress Fashion show...Abbie LOVES any sort of dress-up...and any pretty dress to her is a "princess dress" it was WONDERFUL FOR HER! Both times, she got dressed up in her own "princess dress" with make-up and fancy earrings too!! She even wanted her hair was too cute!
*Abbie has started softball...really t-ball...but of course to her it's softball. Her daddy is the coach and today we had the first practice. She is supposed to have practice on Monday and Saturday-but just our luck, the first practice scheduled for Monday was rained today we went out for the first time. Terry had to work, so he sent me and Abbie. We are so lucky to have some great Daddy's on the team that totally took over. The girls did a great job. I had to laugh though when Abbie was working really hard fielding the ball-when all of a sudden...she decided it was time for a water break. She doesn't like to get sweaty-and I guess that she decided that it was time for a little rest. She did hit the ball one time when they were pitching to her...which of course was TOO COOL...she got so excited-and then couldn't hit it anymore. Grandpa (my dad) came to practice for a little bit and Abbie was all smiles...but then realized that if Grandpa was there-Gigi and Poppa should be there too!!! I can't wait for the games...Abbie is going to have her own cheering section.
*The baby process is still in the making. We are going on 14 months now with no luck...I have been to the doctor several times and this past the first bit of good news. The medicine that they put me on-worked...and my blood pressure was good too. We are just playing the waiting game right now, so we will just have to wait and see. It's hard to just sit back and wait-but I have to know that God has a plan for everything and I just need to leave it in His hands.
Our relationship has become very stressed-and we just need to sit back and relax. Hopefully in the next week or so-we can get everything worked out and get back on the right track...please keep us in your prayers.
*Abbie is doing wonderful. She is very excited about the nice weather and being able to play at the park. We went several times this week and we enjoyed it so much. She is such a bright little girl and I'm so proud to be her Mommy. Abbie is very excited about going to "big school" next year...lets just hope that things work out for her to go across the street...time will tell.
So-there are a few updates. I am going to try to keep up with this thing a little better. I hope that everyone has a great rest of your weekend...Enjoy the beautiful weather!!!
Congrats Liz!!! Good luck Leacie...
Posted by Leigh and Terry at 6:03 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Happy New Year
Sorry it's been so long since our last update. Things have been pretty crazy around here...with the Holidays and things being so different...I'm sure everyone understands.
We had a wonderful Holiday season, considering all that was going on...Abbie enjoyed everything. It was so great watching her face and listening to her sweet questions about EVERYTHING! Of course, Santa came on Christmas Eve and brought her some gifts...On Christmas morning when we woke up, the thing that she was most interested in was to look to see if Santa enjoyed his cookies that we had made him the day before. He, of course at EVERYTHING and drank all the milk...which Abbie thought was wonderful. She especially loved the crumbs that Santa left on the plate. It was so funny to watch!
We had a great Christmas break. TL was off with us the first week...which was great. We got to spend lots of time as a family and he was able to help me with the last minute Christmas shopping, etc. He had to go back to work the Monday after Christmas-but that gave Abbie and me some Mommy/Daughter time. We have played lots of games, watched lots of movies, read a TON of books, and made some arts and crafts. I have to admit, as much fun as it's been...I will be happy to ship her off to Ms. Quandra tomorrow morning! Mommy is TIRED!!!
I head back to work tomorrow w/ kids. Abbie and I "worked" the teacher work day on Friday...I'm sure everyone can imagine exactly HOW much work we got done!! I managed to get the fridge plugged back in, and that's about it!
It's crazy to think that now we are in the new year and all the possibilities that may bring! This time next year-who knows where we will be. I pray that 2009 is a year that brings health and happiness to us and everyone we love and care about!
This is going to be short-I have lasagna in the oven for dinner and soup in the crock pot for tomorrow. I'm trying my best to be more organized...and prepare meals a day or two in advance...Catch me in a few weeks to see how it's going!!
I hope that everyone had a wonderful Holiday season and that you are ready for the new year!
Check back soon-I'm going to try to update once a week in '09. (We'll see how that goes as well...LOL!!)
Love to you all-Leigh, Terry, and Abbie
Posted by Leigh and Terry at 1:00 PM 0 comments