Sunday, June 7, 2009

Graduations and Yard Sales and SUMMER!!

Well, we made it. Abbie graduated from Preschool on Friday. It was such a great feeling to see so many people who loves and cares so much about her and our family there to support her in such a wonderful day! She was so cute on stage. I know that she is going to have so much fun in Kindergarten next year. I was worried at first that I should hold her back another year-but I am glad that we made the decision to move her on. She is such a bright child with such a loving personality. We are so blessed. Here are a few pictures of her Graduation. Since we got the laptop, I have yet to figure out how to get my camera to upload these are from Martha.

Yesterday, we got to spend the whole day at Gigi and Poppa's house. TL had to work but Abbie and I had a great time. I got there about 6:40 and stayed all day. They had a great turn out and sold a lot. We did end up taking about 2 1/2 loads to Goodwill though. The donations that Terry and Martha gave them will last a good while!!!! While Gigi got to go to a fun party w/ her friends and Bobo was at work, the rest of us went out to dinner together. It was a lot of fun. I haven't laughed that much in a LONG time!! It was a much needed break from all the yuck that we've been through the last few weeks. As much fun as we had yesterday and all the laughs we shared...I hope that it's at least another YEAR or more before we help them w/ another yard sale!! Ha ha ha...Just kidding Mar and Terry-you know that we will help you any time!!
Bobo (Tyler) graduates next Saturday. It's so hard to believe. He will be going to App. State next year. I can't wait to go and visit him. It is such a beautiful campus. We are so proud of him. The graduation doesn't start until 7:30 and while Mar has a ticket for Abbie and invited us all...we are going to send her to stay the night with my Dad. She has never stayed anywhere but our house, Gigi and Poppa's and one night with Pastor we will see how it goes. I told Dad that he will just have to keep her really busy and then put her to bed. I have given him a list of things that Gigi does when they have their hopefully that will help.
I have 3 days left until I am out for the summer. With all the budget cuts and everything that are expected...I am a little worried about my job for next year-but the only thing that we can do is pray and stay positive. I am planning on enjoying my time with Abbie and do a few things around the house. We are taking a vacation in we are looking very much forward to that for sure!
That's about all around here. I hope to update more this summer.